Sep 29, 2011

modcloth order

So today I quit at American Apparel. The hours were really long and it was effecting my school work, so it was for the best. My manager said I could come back next summer if I wanted to though, so that's really nice of her.

On Monday I ordered a few things from I really like everything on the site so it's hard to not to splurge! There was a big sale on, so I got one sale blouse, a regular price sweater, and a sketch-book. It's only the second time I've ever ordered anything online, so I was really excited. This morning I checked the UPS tracker, and it was really close, so today the box arrived! Luckily the tops fit me really nicely. Here are some photos of what I bought:

They sent me this hair clip free!

Lulu in the order box. I can't get enough of her.


  1. Oh so much loveliness! I've never purchased anything from Modcloth, but I'm so tempted....
