Aug 26, 2011

end of summer

Yesterday I got my laptop back from Staples after two weeks. The hard drive broke so they put in a new one, which means that I've been re-installing all my programs and loading all my files back on to my laptop. It's annoying to do, but I'm glad I still have all my files.
I've been working so much lately, it feels like I'm missing out on summer. It's been getting a bit cooler already, so the fact that it's the end of August is really setting in now. The end of summer is always sad, but I am kind of excited for fall. So I've made a list of a few of the things I'll miss, and a few of the things I'm excited for.

Summer things I'll miss:
-hot weather
-ice cream trucks
-outdoor swimming/swimming in the river
-sleeping in
-no school

Fall things I'm excited for:
-pretty colored leaves
-pumpkin spice lattes
-new season of Gossip Girl
-knee socks

Aug 11, 2011

striped shirt

This evening I was sitting in my tv room bored when I looked over and saw my sewing machine and pile of fabric. So I decided to sew something. I haven't sewn all summer so I'm glad I did tonight. I ended up making a kind-of slouchy shirt.
Here's the beginning product:

And the finished! Here it is on a hanger:

And here it is on me: (I'm still in my pyjamas, so I didn't want to take a full picture)

Aug 9, 2011

harbor front

Today a few friends and I got all dressed up and went downtown for dinner. We went to a restaurant on the harbor front. It was a really fun night, we always end up laughing so much. My dad used to live around that area and we always use to take walks down there, so it was really nice being down at the water again. It made me realize how much I love it down there, and how badly I want to spend the day walking around looking in the art galleries and festivals booths like we use to. Here are some of my favorite pictures of the evening: