Aug 26, 2011

end of summer

Yesterday I got my laptop back from Staples after two weeks. The hard drive broke so they put in a new one, which means that I've been re-installing all my programs and loading all my files back on to my laptop. It's annoying to do, but I'm glad I still have all my files.
I've been working so much lately, it feels like I'm missing out on summer. It's been getting a bit cooler already, so the fact that it's the end of August is really setting in now. The end of summer is always sad, but I am kind of excited for fall. So I've made a list of a few of the things I'll miss, and a few of the things I'm excited for.

Summer things I'll miss:
-hot weather
-ice cream trucks
-outdoor swimming/swimming in the river
-sleeping in
-no school

Fall things I'm excited for:
-pretty colored leaves
-pumpkin spice lattes
-new season of Gossip Girl
-knee socks

1 comment:

  1. I am waiting for the new GG season as well!

    Hugs & Kisses,
    Froso from Style Nirvana.
